
Photo of an eye



Scientists today are researching ways to cure Ocular Albinism.  OAAP Network (The Ocular Albinism Awareness Project Network) is dedicated to keeping you informed of the latest research, research opportunities, and breakthroughs in OA1, OA2, OCA, etc...




Photo of an eye

This is the new OAAP Network.  We are excited to bring you a new visual design as well as much more informative and relevant content.  We hope you find this new information useful for your needs.  If you have any questions or comments please use the contact page to e-mail the new webmasters. 


This site in the Blind and Visually Impaired Ring is owned by the OAAP Network[Blind & VI Web Ring]

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[Picture Credits : The Vision of Children Foundation - http://www.ocularalbinism.org : The National Eye Institute/The National Institute for Health http://www.nei.nih.gov : NOAH http:www.albinism.org ]